After hours of seeing clients in the therapy chair or working in the community, we can feel incredibly exhausted.

We take in all the stories and experiences, and even though we love the work, sometimes It can be a lot. It can be draining and if we are not careful, It can burn us out.

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could take the same knowledge we gained from school and our experience and apply it in different ways?

The short answer is yes.

Our knowledge and training can and should be used to impact our communities in different ways because every person isn’t going to come into the room for individual therapy. Every person isn’t ready to talk through their experiences in a group setting. Every new clinician isn’t going to be able to know all the steps they need to jump in and start working with clients.

So, there is a whole lot of people we miss.

We shouldn’t miss these folks anymore but we need the tools to help us expand beyond our therapeutic work.

Our Longer Form Content does just that.

When we say longer, what do we mean?

Great question! When we say longer-form courses, I mean that these resources have more than four modules and dig more deeply into a specific topic that requires not only self-reflection, but will give you the tools you need to create a final product you can use to track or complete your goals in your business, practice, or mental health work overall!

Depending on what you are looking for and the season you are in, our longer form resources can be of help to you!

Choose your plan

Craft Your Knockout Workshop or Course
One time
For 3 months

Want to create great your dream course or workshop? Check out our comprehensive self paced course that teaches you how to do just that!

Essential Steps, Templates, and Trackers for Clinical Supervision
One time
For 2 months

Are you beginning your supervision journey? Are you wanting more structure and tools that will help you make the most out of supervision? If so, our bundle of templates and trackers will be an awesome guide to help you !

Essential Steps, Templates, and Trackers for Clinical Internship
One time
For 2 months

Are you getting ready to start practicum? internship? or a fellowship? Getting tons of information from multiple different places about your requirements, laws, ethics, etc? This tool is made to help you organize and fully understand all the requirements of your learning experience!


Courses for New Therapists


Consultation Groups (COMING IN 2025!)