Professional Email List
Have you been wanting to have a comprehensive way to organize your email list? If so, look no further! We created a Google Form/Google Sheet Combo that will allow you to efficiently track who you connect with, their specialities so you can build salient relationships and know who in your network can support you in times where consultation is needed!
Have you been wanting to have a comprehensive way to organize your email list? If so, look no further! We created a Google Form/Google Sheet Combo that will allow you to efficiently track who you connect with, their specialities so you can build salient relationships and know who in your network can support you in times where consultation is needed!
Have you been wanting to have a comprehensive way to organize your email list? If so, look no further! We created a Google Form/Google Sheet Combo that will allow you to efficiently track who you connect with, their specialities so you can build salient relationships and know who in your network can support you in times where consultation is needed!
DISCLAIMER: The Mental Health Resource Hub LLC/The Mental Health Therapist Hub LLC is not a mental health practice and purchases from The Mental Health Resource Hub LLC/The Mental Health Therapist Hub LLC do not create a therapist-client relationship or consulting-client relationship. All templates are drafted using general U.S. general principles and are not state-specific. Our contract templates are not therapeutic or consulting advice. The purchase and/or use of our templates does not form a therapist-client relationship or consulting-client relationship and does not guarantee any particular results. You may modify the document on your own or find a therapist or consultant, or attorney in your state to help you.